September 09, 2010

Regional Neuroscience Retreat is Sept. 10-12

by Nicole Trainor

CARBONDALE, Ill. -- The fifth Biennial Southern Illinois Regional Neuroscience Retreat in Collinsville Sept. 10-12 offers a premier opportunity for area scientists and students in the field of neuroscience to share scientific information, present new findings and network with colleagues.

The Southern Illinois University Center for Integrated Research in Cognitive and Neural Sciences (CIRCNS) and the Society for Neuroscience are sponsoring the retreat at the Doubletree Hotel and Conference Center. A poster session and reception kick off the conference on Friday evening and Saturday will feature talks and presentations by a number of experts in the field.

More than 60 area scientists are registered for the conference, including representatives from Southern Illinois University Carbondale, the SIU School of Medicine and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Springfield. Participants will learn of the latest research findings in a variety of areas, including brain injury, cognitive processing, aging, Alzheimer’s disease, brain plasticity, neural development and the treatment of nervous system diseases.

Rhanor Gillette, professor of molecular and integrative physiology and biophysics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, will present the special lecture concluding the retreat Saturday evening. He will discuss his studies of the neurobiology of decision-making.

For more information about the Regional Neuroscience Retreat, contact the Division of Continuing Education at SIUC at 618/536-7751 or visit the website at