August 23, 2010
Annual Student Center Open House is Aug. 26
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- The Student Center at Southern Illinois University Carbondale is “Five Floors of Awesome” and you will see that for yourself during the annual Open House on Thursday, Aug. 26.
Most activities run from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. as the Open House kicks off the yearlong 50th anniversary celebration for the Student Center. The center began serving the University community in 1961.
The second floor landing is home to giveaways of all sorts and participants also have the opportunity to win T-shirts, gift cards and much more. Pick up a free 25-cent refill cup while you’re there, too. Grab the bright promotional cup and save money all year long because you can take it to the Market Place or McDonald’s in the Student Center any time and get a soda refill for just 25 cents plus tax.
Students can explore the Student Center and all it has to offer -- from the Craft Shop in the lower level to the Graphics Office on the top floor -- while playing Scavenger Hunt Bingo and get the chance to win a new bicycle in the process.
Saluki Spokes is sponsoring a free bicycle maintenance workshop at the north entrance to the Student Center 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Throughout the day, students can create a variety of crafts, wax hands or henna tattoos at the Craft Shop. Or, play a round of “Goofy Golf” outside the Alumni Services office. You can also enjoy $1 games at Bowling and Billiards 9 a.m.-11 p.m.
You can also visit the University Bookstore and pick up a copy of the 2010-2011 “Dawg Book” for $4.75. The book includes the University schedule, event listings, coupons, a day planner, a campus map, the Saluki Express routes, and lots more.
Stop by the Roman Room for a lunchtime “Noon Tunes” concert courtesy of Special Programs and Center Events (SPACE.) Hear “The Swamp Tigers” and their unique blend of “honky tonk” and “rockabilly” with a smidge of “garage influence” from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. There will also be food specials at the center’s eateries along with complimentary anniversary cake.
Have you got the proverbial “cast iron stomach?” If so, you’ll certainly want to compete for cool prizes in the “Brew City Beer Battered Jalapeno Bottle Cap” eating contest at 1 p.m. in the Roman Room. The less brave and those without a penchant for the hot and spicy fare are welcome as spectators.
WIDB radio will be doing a remote broadcast 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the north entrance of the Student Center and Madame Bling will be telling fortunes in the Big Muddy Room from 2 to 5 p.m.
The annual RSO and Volunteerism Fair, from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Student Center Ballrooms and Corker Lounge, gives students a chance to learn about the more than 400 Registered Student Organizations at SIUC. During this free event you’ll find out what opportunities and good times await those who get involved.
Wrap up the evening by taking in a free movie at 7 p.m. in the Student Center Auditorium. “Shrek Forever After” bills itself as the final chapter of the popular green ogre’s tale.