August 17, 2010

Fall seminars will focus on horse care, health

by K.C. Jaehnig

CARBONDALE, Ill. -- Horse owners -- and anyone considering buying a horse -- can learn about horse care and health in six seminars taking place at Southern Illinois University Carbondale over the course of fall semester.

Taught by animal physiologist Sheryl S. King, who heads the equine science program in SIUC’s College of Agricultural Sciences, each session consists of a brief talk, discussion, demonstrations and, in some cases, hands-on exercises. Topics include disease and parasites, injury, feed, hoof and leg care, horse anatomy and mental health.

“I’m focusing on basic health care and maintenance because when I sent around an informal questionnaire, that was the topic that most of those who responded were interested in,” King said.

Seminars take place Monday evenings on Sept. 20, Oct. 4, Oct. 18, Nov. 1, Nov 15 and Dec. 6. Each will run from 6 to 8:30 p.m. in Room 209 of the Agriculture Building and will cost $25 for those who pre-register through the University’s Division of Continuing Education or $30 at the door.

While those who already have horses will benefit most, King thinks others would find the information she presents useful -- or at least interesting.

“Anyone who’s just curious about what make the horse unique should enjoy it,” she said.

King plans to offer a second set of seminars, different from the first, come spring semester.

“I’m interested in having more contact with people in the horse industry and giving something back,” she said. “This is a way to do it.”

Those interested in registering online can visit the continuing education website at, where workshops are listed under the calendar section on the right side of the page. Participants also may register by phone at 618/536-7751.