August 11, 2010
Ten questions with ... Michelle Mansfield
Job on campus/department you work in: Program assistant for the Rehabilitation Institute
How long at SIUC: About a year working and five years academically
Hometown: Murphysboro
When you were a youngster, what did you want to be when you grew up? A storm chaser, then an astronomer….I loved the movie “Twister!”
People don’t know that I… hope to become a famous artist!
If you could choose another profession, what would it be and why? Private investigator. I love solving problems.
What is something you still want to accomplish in life? Getting my master’s degree and possibly doctorate.
Cats or dogs? Dogs for sure; love my Deja
If you could pick an actor/actress to play you in a movie, who would you pick and why?Kim Cattrell. She is never afraid to tell it how it is, honey.
What is your favorite food and why? Broccoli/cheese casserole. It is cheesy goodness.
Who has inspired you, and how? I would have to say my grandmother. She was a strong woman with a witty mind and always had an opinion about something and never hesitated to let anyone know how she felt about it!
What is your pet peeve? Bug guts on the windshield.
What would you like your gravestone to say about you? Hopefully, it will say I will be missed…