May 04, 2010

Glass Art Society names Boyd an ‘Emerging Artist’

by Andrea Hahn

CARBONDALE, Ill. -- The Glass Art Society, an international not-for-profit organization promoting the glass arts, selected Cortney Boyd, visiting assistant professor in the School of Art and Design at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, as an Emerging Artist.

Boyd is one of four artists so chosen. She and the other three artists will present selections of their work at the Glass Art Society’s national conference in Louisville, Ky., in June. In addition, Boyd and the other artists will present lectures to introduce their work to an audience of “established artists, educators, peers, collector, art historians, and critics,” according to the GSA. Boyd’s lecture is at 3:30 p.m. in the Louisville Marriot Downtown Hotel.

Boyd, a Fort Collins, Colo., native and an SIUC alumna, said her work emphasizes line as an essential element in her art, in any of the several artistic media in which she works.

Boyd’s work has been part of exhibits at the Compônere Gallery of Art and Fashion in University City, Mo., and at the Houchens Gallery in Bowling Green, Ky., among others.

The Emerging Artists are artists in the beginning stages of their careers selected by jury.

Juror John Drury, a New York City-based artist and a former recipient of the Louis Comfort Tiffany Award for the Visual Arts, said Boyd’s cast-glass work is “well-made, seamlessly presented and conceptually sound.”

Other jurors were artists Elizabeth McClure and Amy Morgan.

For more information about the Glass Art Society and the Emerging Artist award, visit

For more information about the SIUC School of Art and Design, visit