April 30, 2010
‘Introduction to Grant Writing’ set for June 7-8
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- The Division of Continuing Education at Southern Illinois University Carbondale is offering the Introduction to Grant Writing class this summer for individuals who wish to learn more about the process of obtaining grants from government and private organizations.
This two-day course for those new to the process provides basic information about developing grant proposals. Emphasis is on developing the essential elements of a grant including preparing the grant narrative and budget. The course includes a brief introduction to writing proposals for foundations and private funding sources.
Introduction to Grant Writing is set for June 7-8, meeting each evening from 6 to 9 in Room 101 of Lawson Hall. Jo Nast, a 25-year grant-writing veteran, will teach the newly updated grant course this summer.
Registration is $50. The fee covers all materials for the class. For more information or to register contact the Division of Continuing Education at 618/536-7751 or visit the website at https://www.dce.siu.edu/.