April 06, 2010
Basic bicycle repair workshop set for April 22
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- If you’ve ever had a problem with your bicycle and thought, “I should be able to fix that,” you’ll want to take advantage of an April workshop at Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
The “Basic Bike Repair” workshop is April 22 from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the Student Center. Learn how to perform basic bicycle repairs and get your bike ready for spring and summer riding. The workshop is open to anyone age 12 or older.
Participants will learn how to oil chains, fix flats, and adjust seats, brakes, shifters and handlebars. There will also be information about proper riding techniques, bicycle rules of the road, and resources for cyclists in the Carbondale area.
The cost is $5 for SIUC students or $10 for anyone else. For more information, or to register, contact the Craft Shop at 618/453-3636 or by e-mail at 618/453-3636.