February 15, 2010
SIUC to host conference for math teachers
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- The 26th Annual Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference is set for Thursday, Feb. 18, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Student Center at Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
The conference provides teachers of grades kindergarten through 14 with new ideas about how to provide math education to students. It features three consecutive sessions on a variety of topics. Each session includes different presentations, allowing participants to choose topics of interest.
This year’s keynote speaker is Jim Rubillo, director of the Center for Mathematics Teaching and Learning at DeSales University in Center Valley, Pa. He is the past executive director of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. His keynote address will be "The National Dialogue on Curricular Coherence: NCTM's Focal Points, the National Math Panel, and Other Policy Discussions.”
The registration cost is $80. Full-time pre-service students may register at a reduced fee. Contact Pat Eckert or Kim Goforth at 618/536-7751 for student registration information.
For more information or to register, contact the SIUC Division of Continuing Education at 618/536-7751 or visit the Web site at https://www.dce.siu.edu