February 12, 2010
Social Work Day to feature workshops, luncheon
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- Ralph Martire, fiscal policy analyst and executive director of the Chicago-based Center for Tax and Budget Accountability, will present a workshop for public service providers on sustainable funding and its implications for their field Monday, March 1, at Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. in the Student Center’s John Corker Lounge. The workshop starts at 9 a.m. in the ballrooms and runs until noon. Participants may earn three continuing education credits.
The Center for Tax and Budget Accountability, a bi-partisan think tank founded in 2000, develops policy options aimed at ensuring that the state has sufficient funds to provide essential economic, educational, health care and social services for all, especially for those with modest means.
SIUC’s School of Social Work and the regional chapter of the National Association of Social Workers are sponsoring the event as part of their National Social Work Day activities. The school also will honor both students and professionals during its annual awards luncheon from 12:30 to 2 p.m. that same day in the Student Center.
The luncheon and workshops require registration fees. Professionals wishing to attend both events will pay $90; those who want to attend the luncheon only will pay $20. Students will pay $10 for each event. To register, visit the University’s Division of Continuing Education Web site at www.dce.siu.edu and click on the link listed at right under the heading “DCE Calendar” or call 618/536-7751. Registration ends Feb. 22.
For more information, call the school at 618/453-2243.