February 03, 2010
SIUC to host teacher career fair on Feb. 10
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- A teacher career fair at Southern Illinois University Carbondale next week will offer students, alumni and interested community members a first-hand look at job opportunities around the country.
The spring 2010 event is set for 8:30 to 11 a.m., Wednesday, Feb. 10, in Student Center Ballroom B, and will feature representatives from several school districts. Registration is not necessary and admission is free.
Job-seekers should bring multiple copies of their resumes and any other pertinent credentials, and should address appropriately.
The school districts attending will be looking to fill positions for the upcoming academic year, said Jaime Conley-Holt, an SIUC Career Services specialist. Openings are at the elementary and secondary grade levels. Teachers in the areas of special education, science, and math, particularly at the secondary level, are usually in the most demand. Opportunities are also available for certified positions, such as speech language pathology and social work.
Approximately 15 school districts have registered so far, including several local districts, and others in Indiana, Kentucky and Missouri. Districts include Belleville, Ball-Chatham, Champaign, Springfield, Tamms Egyptian and Evansville, Ind.
A list of job fair participants is available at http://careerservices.siuc.edu/events/teacherfairlist_spring10.htm. Call Career Services at 618/453-2391 for more information.