January 26, 2010
Chicago exhibit to feature art by students, alumni
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- If you can’t attend in person, let your art speak for you during an art exhibition presented by the School of Art and Design at Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
The School of Art and Design offers an exhibition of work by current SIUC faculty and graduate students. The exhibit, “We’re on Huron,” runs from noon to 7 p.m., Feb. 10-13, at 233 W. Huron in the River North Gallery District of Chicago.
All SIUC alumni, as well as current graduate and undergraduate students, may send digital images of their artwork to be included in a slide show during the exhibit.
The exhibit reception coincides with the annual College Art Association reception, from 5:30 to 9 p.m. on Feb. 12 at the gallery.
For more information or to submit digital images of artwork, contact Rob Lopez, assistant professor in the School of Art and Design, at roblopez@siu.edu.
The School of Art and Design, the College of Liberal Arts and the SIU Alumni Association sponsor this event.