October 24, 2009
School of Art and Design’s Art Over Easy 5 is Dec. 4
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- It’s the art event art lovers wait for all year and even non-art lovers enjoy.
Art Over Easy 5, the major fundraiser for the School of Art and Design at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, offers a chance to enjoy an evening of music, refreshments and good company in a setting where the art you admire is the art you can bring home. The event runs 7-9:30 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 4, at the Surplus Gallery in the Glove Factory (432 S. Washington Ave.).
The event features a silent auction including art in an array of mediums, including painting, prints, jewelry, pottery, photography, ceramics, glass and more. Artists from the community and the School of Art and Design -- students, faculty and alumni -- contribute art, either original or sometimes from collections.
The live auction features some of the best art available in the area from our contributing artists, and is always an exciting event. The live auction begins at 8 p.m.
This year, students from the Robert Paulson Plein Air summer painting workshops and the Landscape Connection contributed works of art for the sale. Proceeds will benefit both the Robert Paulson Plein Air Painting Endowment and the Art Over Easy fund. Proceeds from Art Over Easy help match two private grants for scholarships and creative research for the School of Art and Design.