November 10, 2009
Fertilizer-pesticide conference set for Nov. 24
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- Attention fertilizer and pesticide dealers, growers and students: Mark your calendars for the 42nd Annual Southern Illinois Fertilizer and Pesticide Conference set for Nov. 24.
Located at the Holiday Inn at 222 Potomac Blvd. in Mt. Vernon, the theme is “Agriculture: Does the Glove Fit?” Discussions will cover a variety of agricultural topics including single or twin-row corn, seed treatments, agricultural regulations, soil and water quality and weed management.
For more information or registration details, contact Southern Illinois University Carbondale’s Division of Continuing Education at 618/536-7751 or visit the Web site at
The conference registration fee is $40 for participants registering before Nov. 19 or $50 for those registering after that date.