October 27, 2009
Inter-Greek Council hosts Safe Halloween for kids
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- All the ghosts, witches, goblins, superheroes and other assorted costumed kiddies can come to Southern Illinois University Carbondale this Halloween for an evening of fun, games and safe trick-or-treating.
The Inter-Greek Council is hosting Safe Halloween 5-7 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 31, in the International Lounge at the Student Center. The event is open to the community and children of all ages are welcome.
More than 30 Registered Student Organizations from the University will be participating. Each will have a table or display featuring a carnival type game and candy for the children. And, it’s all free.
“The event creates a safe way for kids to trick-or-treat and play games,” said Hillary Patton, Inter-Greek Council public relations officer and sophomore marketing major from Carbondale.