September 23, 2009

Media Advisory -- Economics Expert Available

Robert H. Rasche, executive vice president and senior policy adviser at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, will deliver the annual Vandeveer Chair Lecture in Economics at Southern Illinois University Carbondale beginning at 6 p.m. on Sept. 30.

Rasche’s lecture, “The Report of the Death of the Economy was an Exaggeration,” is free and open to the public.

Members of the media who want to interview Rasche before the event should contact Professor Sajal Lahiri, who holds the endowed Vandeveer Chair and organizes the Vandeveer lecture series. He may be reached at 618/453-9472 or at Contact Lahiri by Friday, Sept. 25, if you would like interview access to Rasche.

Rasche is part of the research division of the Federal Reserve Bank. He has an article forthcoming in the “International Journal of Central Banking,” and past articles in journals including the “Journal of Macroeconomics” and the “Journal of Financial Services Research.” He was professor of economics at Michigan State University for 24 years before joining the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank.