August 19, 2009
New Klassics for Kids season starts in September
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- The School of Music at Southern Illinois University Carbondale presents a new Klassics for Kids season beginning early in September.
Klassics for Kids is an interactive musical program for children of pre-school age. Kara Benyas and Edward Benyas created the program several years ago and continue with it now. The program provides area families and educators with a way to introduce very young children to classical and jazz music in a format geared just to them -- short, entertaining and with the opportunity to move rather than just to sit and listen.
A school-age children’s version of Klassics for Kids presents music in a more sophisticated but still fun and entertaining way to older children.
Programming generally corresponds with other musical performances at SIUC. All Klassics for Kids programs are free. Specific program details are forthcoming. For now, save these dates:
Klassics for Kids -- Pre-school: Sept. 1, Oct. 6, Dec. 1, Feb. 2, March 2 and April 6. All programs begin at 10 a.m. in Altgeld Hall, Room 112 (the band room).
Klassics for Kids -- School-age: Sept. 22 and Nov. 10. Performances begin at 10 a.m. in Shryock Auditorium.