Gearing up for a (bike) rodeo -- Several children who participate in activities at the Boys and Girls Club of Carbondale show off a bicycle that will be raffled off during a bicycle rodeo Saturday. The event, from 3 to 7 p.m. at the Boys and Girls Club, 250 N. Springer St., will focus on learning bicycle safety techniques and maneuvering through bicycle obstacle courses. The Fraternal Order of Police 193, which represents officers with the Southern Illinois University Carbondale Department of Public Safety, donated the bicycle for the raffle. With the children and the bike are, from left: Jazzika Matthews, program director, Boys and Girls Club; SIUC police Corp. John Dunning, the FOP 193 secretary/treasurer; Sarah Heyer, assistant coordinator/bike advocate, Carbondale Conversation for Community Action; and SIUC police officer Scott Miller, a member of FOP 193. (Photo provided) Download Photo Here
July 15, 2009
SIUC officers to help teach safety at bicycle rodeo
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- Police officers with Southern Illinois University Carbondale’s Department of Public Safety will help teach bicycle safety to youngsters Saturday, July 18, in Carbondale.
The 2009 Boys and Girls Club of Carbondale bicycle rodeo is from 3 to 7 p.m. at the Boys and Girls Club, 250 N. Springer St.
The event will focus on participants learning bicycle safety techniques and maneuvering a bicycle obstacle course. There will also be food giveaways, a bounce house, bingo, a disc jockey, and wet and wild games, according to program director Jazzika Matthews.
The Fraternal Order of Police 193, which represents SIUC police officers, donated a 20-inch boys’ Next bicycle for a free drawing.
“It’s important to start teaching good bicycle safety at a young age,” said SIUC police officer Scott Miller. National statistics show that 750 bicyclists are killed in the United States each year, and about 95 percent were not wearing helmets.
“SIUC police and the Fraternal Order of Police 193 believe it’s important to have a good relationship with the Boys and Girls Club of Carbondale since they do provide a great service to the children of the Carbondale area,” Miller said.
The bike rodeo is free. Children may bring their bicycle to the rodeo. Bicycles will also be available for use at the event for children who do not have one. A local bicycle shop will also be present to inspect bikes, Matthews said.
The Boys and Girls Club of Carbondale provides programs and activities for children between six and 18 years old. About 500 children are registered members, and about 80 attend each day during the summer, Matthews said.
For more information about the rodeo, contact Matthews at 618/457-8877.