June 24, 2009
Media Advisory -- News Camp
Reporters, photographers and camera crews are welcome to cover aspiring broadcast journalists from Chicago as they learn about the profession this week at a news camp at Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
Fourteen high school students from Percy L. Julian High School in Chicago are spending this week getting a basic look into television and broadcast news operations, including reporting, news writing, shooting and editing video, and presenting their stories during live-to-tape newscasts.
An optimum time for interviews with students about their camp experience is from 9 to 11 a.m., Friday, June 25, when students air their stories and participate in news broadcasts. The broadcasts will be in Studio B, Room 1063 in the Communications Building.
For more information, contact Jim Gee, news director for WSIU-TV’s River Region Evening Edition, at 217/369-8755.
Another camp with high schools students from East St. Louis runs July 19-24. The College of Mass Communication and Media Arts, Department of Radio-Television, WSIU, and the Illinois Broadcasters Association, are sponsoring the camps.