March 11, 2009
College Illinois! Presentation
The Department of Human Resources Benefits Office invites you to attend a presentation on College Illinois! -- a prepaid tuition plan that lets you lock in the cost of college today, eliminating the biggest obstacle standing in the way of a future education for your children -- tuition inflation.
A representative from College Illinois! will be on campus to share information about a smart, secure way to pay for college tuition. The features and benefits of College Illinois! will be presented in detail. Don't miss this opportunity to learn how College Illinois! can provide for your child's education and future.
The presentation will be held on Thursday, March 26, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. at the SIUC Student Center Video Lounge (located on the fourth floor), and is open to the University community, all state agencies and the general public.
For planning purposes, pre-registration is requested. You may register by e-mailing Holly Rick at by March 20. Please include your name, department, mailcode, phone number and email address.
For questions, contact the HR Benefits Office at 453-6668.
For additional information on College Illinois! visit