February 27, 2009
Saluki Way groundbreaking ceremony is March 3
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- Southern Illinois University Carbondale will hold a groundbreaking ceremony for the Saluki Way project at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, March 3. Members of the general public, University employees and students are welcome to attend the ceremony, which will take place outdoors on the east side of the SIU Arena.
The project, which will employ hundreds of local workers, will re-shape the east side of the campus. Plans call for a new student services building, academic building, football stadium, and team complex, as well as renovations to the Arena.
Speakers at Tuesday’s ceremony will include Roger Tedrick, chair of the SIU Board of Trustees; SIU President Glenn Poshard; SIUC Chancellor Samuel Goldman; Carbondale Mayor Brad Cole; Athletics Director Mario Moccia; Lisa Short, a member of the volunteer committee spearheading fundraising efforts for the project; and Saluki women’s basketball player Erica Smith. Saluki Hall of Fame broadcaster Mike Reis will serve as master of ceremonies.
Construction of the stadium and team complex, along with Arena renovations, will begin in March and be completed in time for the 2010-11 seasons.
Design architect for the project is 360 Architecture with local assistance from Image Architects of Carbondale. J.E. Dunn, based in Kansas City, Mo., and Holland Construction, based in Swansea, are in charge of construction management.
To date, approximately $70 million of the $83 million cost of the project has been raised through public and private sources. More than 70 percent of the construction contracts awarded so far have gone to local firms.