January 13, 2009
Spring Open House planned at Student Center
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- New and returning Southern Illinois University Carbondale students can take advantage of the Spring Open House this week at the Student Center.
The free daylong event, set for Thursday, Jan. 15, features games, activities, freebies and food specials from 7 a.m. until 11 p.m. at the Student Center. Formerly known as “First Thursday,” the open house has welcomed students to SIUC each fall since the mid-1970s. This year, Special Programs and Center Events (SPACE) added the spring open house.
Giveaways and prizes galore await students. Participants in the Puzzle Quest game from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or a variety of other games can win a Sony Handycam, gift cards or numerous other prizes. Many of the activities are free.
Students can claim a free ABS “All By Students” four-subject notebook too. Nathan Bonner, graphics designer for the Student Center, created the notebook cover and the book is full of valuable information about Student Affairs, along with the schedule of spring semester activities.
More than 2,500 prizes and freebies found their way into students’ hands at last year’s open house and the spring 2009 event has even more to offer. Students can grab a free T-shirt, coupons for McDonald’s and bowling, and the favorite lime green refill cup. You can use the cup, promoting Student Center services, at the Market Place or McDonald’s in the Student Center all semester and get soda refills for just 25 cents plus tax. Stop by the tables on the second floor of the Student Center in front of the ID/administrative office to grab your freebies, play games and check out all of the activities.
Bowling and Billiards is offering a ‘Buy One/Get One Free” bowling promotion Thursday while the Craft Shop’s “Crafts Galore” gives you the opportunity to create glass beads, wax hands, pottery and more in the lower-level shop. Josh Plemon and the Lonesome Drifters are the featured performers for the mid-day “Noon Tunes” concert in the Roman Room.
The Student Development Registered Student Organizations (RSO) Fair is from 5 to 7 p.m. that day in the Ballrooms and the J.W. Corker Lounge. Check out all of the campus and community groups you can get involved in. And, you can end the night with a bit of frightful fun as SPC Films presents the movie “Saw V” in the Student Center Auditorium at 7 p.m. Movie tickets are $2 for SIUC students.
For more information about the Student Center or its Spring Open House 2009 look online at http://www.siucstudentcenter.org/ or call 618/536-3351.