November 24, 2008
Pre-game reception planned in DeKalb
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- Saluki basketball fans can socialize and watch their team face the Northern Illinois University Huskies.
SIUC faces NIU on Wednesday, Dec. 17, in DeKalb. The SIU Alumni Association and the Greater Rockford Alumni Club invite alumni, students and friends of the University to a pre-game reception. Guests will enjoy hors d’ oeuvres and a cash bar beginning at 5:30 p.m. at Barsema Alumni and Visitors Center, located at 231 N. Annie Glidden Road, in DeKalb. Game time is 7 p.m. at the NIU Convocation Center.
Lower bowl game tickets are available. Cost to attend the reception and game is $30 per person for Association members; $40 for non-members. Please purchase reception/ticket package by Dec. 12.
The first 50 reception attendees will receive a complimentary T-shirt. Volunteers are needed to assist at the event. If interested, please contact Argus Tong at
SIU Alumni membership is open to alumni, students and friends of the University. Annual alumni individual membership is $40. Individual life alumni membership is $500 and installment plans are available. Current students can join the SIU Alumni Association for a special annual rate of $15.
To join the SIU Alumni Association or register for this event call 618/453-2408 during regular business hours or log on to