November 18, 2008
Craft Shop offers fall, holiday opportunities
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- The Student Center Craft Shop at Southern Illinois University Carbondale is sponsoring a variety of new fall and holiday craft opportunities for children, students and adults.
You can make your very own short row scarf at a weekly knitting class from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesdays, Nov. 19-Dec. 10 (excluding Nov. 26). Participants will learn the knitting process to make a warm, cuddly scarf. The cost is $20 for SIUC students and $30 for others. Materials are extra.
Want to display that keepsake holiday photo in the style it deserves? Picture Framing for the Holidays, from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 20, offers the tips, tricks and details to do it up right. Framing experts will illustrate how to make better spatial and design decisions and choose from a variety of mats and frames to best show your photos off. The cost is $5 for SIUC students and $10 for others. You can purchase materials at an additional cost. Participants must bring at least one item for matting and/or framing.
Want to just walk in any time the Craft Shop is open and still enjoy the holiday fun? That’s possible too with a couple of ongoing activities. You can make a pinecone wreath using a simple technique you’ll learn at the Craft Shop. It’s quick and inexpensive and makes a great gift. The cost is $3-$6. Stop by the Craft Shop, on the lower level of the Student Center, to see which type of pinecones are suitable for this craft.
You can also create personalized handmade holiday cards. Using precut pieces, you can pull together a special design with a professional, yet personal look. The cost is $1 per card.
The Student Center Craft Shop is open 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information about any of the fall and holiday crafts, visit the Web site at or call 618/453-3636.