October 03, 2008
Media Advisory -- National Children’s Study
Today’s (Oct. 3) announcement of a major expansion of the National Children’s Study into Southern Illinois will have a significant impact on the region. A news conference at 2 p.m. Monday, Oct. 6, at Southern Illinois University Carbondale will highlight the far-reaching impact the largest study ever conducted on the health and development of children will have on children, families and the economy of the region.
Reporters, photographers and news crews are welcome to attend the news conference in Conference Room 150 at the Dunn-Richmond Economic Development Center, 150 E. Pleasant Hill Road.
Officials from the SIUC Center for Rural Health and Social Service Development and the SIU School of Medicine will be on hand to discuss the regional implications of this major study.
(Note: Saint Louis University School of Public Health distributed a news release earlier today regarding the expansion of the National Children’s Study in Southern Illinois.)