September 08, 2008

Wellness Center plans fall workshop series

by Christi Mathis

CARBONDALE, Ill. -- The Wellness Center, part of Southern Illinois University Carbondale’s Student Health Center, will host a variety of workshops this fall addressing healthy eating, stress, alcohol use and other topics.

All the workshops are open to the public and take place at the Student Health Center. They also are U-Card approved and students can even earn extra credit in some classes for attending.

The fall wellness workshop schedule includes:

• “These Hands Don’t Hurt,” Wednesday, Sept. 17, 5 p.m., Room 111/112. It’s a chance to learn of a men’s movement in which men pledge never to commit or condone violence against women and never to be silent if they’re aware of violence aimed at women.

• “Keepin’ it Healthy at the Hall,” Thursday, Oct. 2, 3 p.m., Room 111/112. About two-thirds of students say their diet deteriorates after they enter college, so this workshop is about how to eat healthy, including snack and recipe options, when living in residence halls.

• “Taking Care of Yourself, Caring for Others,” Thursday, Oct. 9, 5 p.m., Room 111/112. College students frequently experience anxiety and depression but these problems are highly treatable. This workshop tells what the symptoms are and what resources can help you avoid the problems as you deal with life adjustments.

• “Collegiate Alcohol Use,” Monday Oct. 20, 4 p.m., Room 111/112. From partying on the weekends to playing drinking games, from “pre-gaming” to passing out, it happens to some college students at one time or another. Attend this session and find out how current alcohol use may put you at risk of harm.

• “Strength in Numbers,” Wednesday, Oct. 29, 5 p.m., auditorium. An interactive discussion offers insight into what being an advocate and ally for the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered, Questioning community means. Participants will find out how to become involved at SIUC and how they can benefit by assisting others.

• “Managing Stress for Academic Performance,” Monday, Nov. 10, 4 p.m., auditorium. Researchers say stress is the most influential health factor negatively impacting a student’s academic performance. This workshop helps students learn to focus, reduce test anxiety and motivate themselves.

• “Losin’ It,” Monday, Nov. 17, 3:30 p.m., auditorium. Controlling weight is a very common dilemma. This workshop reviews the behavioral, environmental and genetic factors that come into play with college weight gain and gives practical weight control ideas, including recipes and ideas for meals and snacks.

• “When Online Takes U Offlife,” Tuesday, Dec. 2, 3 p.m., auditorium. Computers can be wonderful things but not when you spend so much time on them that health, relationship, financial and other problems are the result. Here’s a look at the causes, behaviors and consequences of excessive computer use.

The Wellness Center offers a variety of programs and services to the SIUC community. In addition to the public presentations, staff provides health-to-go workshops. These interactive sessions take place classrooms, residence halls and campus groups. For more information about any of the workshops or other services of the University’s Wellness Center and Student Health Center, call 618/536-4441 or look online at