August 08, 2008

Self-instructional language studies available

by Ashley McRaven

CARBONDALE, Ill. -- Being able to communicate in other languages, whether for business, travel or just for fun, can be both enjoyable and rewarding. The Division of Continuing Education at Southern Illinois University Carbondale offers self-instructional language studies for those wanting to improve their proficiency in the Chinese, French, German or Spanish languages.

It’s a self-paced, self-instructional opportunity at the SIUC language media center in Faner Hall. This unique program is available year round. Participants can arrange their individual meeting times during normal lab hours. The hours are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fridays during the fall and spring semester. Students will also have access to multi-media computers, audio and videotapes, international cable television, foreign news broadcasts and closed caption television to enhance their studies.

There’s a $45 registration fee. To register or for more information, contact the Division of Continuing Education at 618/536-7751 or visit the Web site at