August 05, 2008
Training set on effects of domestic violence on kids
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- “Living in Fear: The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children,” is a one-day seminar the Southern Illinois University Carbondale School of Social Work is sponsoring Oct. 17 for faculty, students and professionals.
The training seminar will explore the dynamics of domestic violence and its effects on children. It will help participants increase their understanding of the cycle of violence and the effect domestic violence has on children. They’ll learn to identify warning signs and apply basic skills to assist children exposed to domestic violence.
Theresa Williams, a prevention resource developer with Prevent Child Abuse Illinois, will be the featured presenter. Armed with a master’s degree in social work and as a licensed social worker with 18 years of field experience, Williams provides training, resources and technical assistance within a 27-county area of Southern Illinois.
The seminar runs from 1 to 4:30 p.m. at SIUC’s Dunn-Richmond Economic Development Center, 150 E. Pleasant Hill Road, Carbondale. The registration deadline is Oct. 14 and organizers encourage early registration, as space is limited.
The cost is $50 for professionals and $10 for students and participants can earn 3.5 continuing education units with the program. SIUC faculty and in-field instructors can register free. To register, or for more information, contact the SIUC Division of Continuing Education at 618/536-7751 or visit the Web site at