July 30, 2008
Course will show how to create a kitchen garden
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- Ever thought of creating a kitchen garden as part of your home landscaping? It’s a great option if you love to cook with fresh herbs and vegetables but don’t want a traditional tilled garden plot.
“Kitchen Garden Design and Maintenance,” a Division of Continuing Education course coming soon to Southern Illinois University Carbondale, offers the basics of designing, installing and maintaining a kitchen garden. Professor Karen Midden and associate professor Alan Walters, both faculty in Plant, Soil and Agricultural Systems at SIUC, will lead the five-week course.
The class meets each Monday Sept. 8 through Oct. 6 from 6 to 7:30 pm in Room 195 of the SIUC Agriculture Building. A custom-designed kitchen garden can be an oasis for relaxation and aesthetics and provide a culinary treat, and the course explains how to make it happen.
The cost is $130 and includes all materials. Early registration is encouraged as enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis. To register or for more information, contact the Division of Continuing education at 618/536-7751 or visit the Web site at www.dce.siu.edu.