April 14, 2008
Earth ball game is fun way to celebrate Earth Day
CARBONDALE, Ill. — In celebration of planet Earth and Earth Day, a giant Earth ball game is coming to Southern Illinois University Carbondale on Saturday, April 19.
The object of Earth ball is for a 10-member team to push its massive six-foot-tall Earth ball the length of the playing field and balance it on the opposing team's tire before the other team can beat them to the goal. It's a zany, fun contest of brain, brawn and speed sponsored by SIUC's Raymond D. Wiley chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America.
This year's actual Earth Day is April 22, but the registered student organization selected a weekend date to commemorate the occasion.
The tournament-style competition is set for the fields located in front of Brush Towers on the SIUC campus. Anyone who can gather 10 people for a team – whether University students, staff or faculty or community members – is welcome to compete.
There's a $50 per team entry fee, which can be mailed as a check payable to PRSSA along with the name of the group and a team captain's name, telephone number and e-mail to: Department of Speech Communication, Mailcode 6605, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Carbondale, Ill. 62901-6605.
Teams can also enter the day of the event with registration set for 1 p.m. The winning team members earn gift certificates to a local pizza restaurant.
For more information, contact event organizer Jenna Helm at 217/494-5676 or by e-mail at jhelm@siu.edu. Or, look online at www.freewebs.com/prssa/.