February 27, 2008
Klassics for Kids features Percussion Ensemble
CARBONDALE, Ill. — The Southern Illinois University Carbondale Percussion Ensemble hosts the next Klassics for Kids concert beginning at 10 a.m. on March 4 at Altgeld Hall in the band and orchestra room.
The free concert is part of the School of Music's outreach to the very youngest listeners with programs designed for babies through children of pre-school age. Young listeners have a chance to hear classical and jazz music, and to see the instruments and musicians behind the sounds.
The Percussion Ensemble is one of the school's newer student ensembles. The chamber music group plays a wide repertoire, including classic pieces and those representing percussion music from Africa, Cuba, Brazil and Mexico, among other places. Ron Coulter, the mainstay of the percussion department, said young children tend to relate to percussion instruments with ease.
The April performance, set for 10 a.m. on April 1 in Altgeld Hall, features the SIUC Jazz Ensemble.
Contact Will Biby at 618/923-2314 or by email at william.biby@yahoo.com for information about group attendance.