January 29, 2008
Application deadline nears for association honors
CARBONDALE, Ill. — The Southern Illinois University Alumni Association and the Student Alumni Council remind students at Southern Illinois University Carbondale that applications are due March 7 for the 25 Most Distinguished Senior Awards and the Super Student Scholarships.
The 25 Most Distinguished Senior Award is for graduating students who have made significant contributions to the University during their undergraduate careers. The SIU Alumni Association uses the award to recognize those students who enriched SIUC through academic achievement and activities such as athletics, residential life, military programs, Greek life and participation in Registered Student Organizations.
Eligibility requirements include a minimum 3.0 overall grade point average, a 2008 graduation date, and submission of materials including application and letter of recommendation. Applications are available at www.siualumni.com/25mds.
The SAC and the SIU Alumni association will grant two outstanding junior students each a $500 scholarship. SAC raises the money for the scholarships to honor the selected students for enhancing the University with their involvement in various facets of campus life.
Eligible students are currently employed junior-status students with a minimum of 70 completed hours and a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher. The scholarship also requires that eligible applicants must be actively involved in at least two Registered Student Organizations. Applications and a complete list of requirements are available at www.siualumni.com/.
Recipients of the Most Distinguished Seniors Award and the Super Student Scholarships and their families may attend a dinner hosted by the SIUC Chancellor's Office, SIU Alumni Association and Student Alumni Council beginning at 5:30 p.m. on April 12.
Applications are due March 7. For more information, visit the SIU Alumni Association online at www.siualumni.com or call 618/453-2417.