January 18, 2008
Kumar featured on organization's Web site
CARBONDALE, Ill. — A flagship organization for civil engineers recently featured a Southern Illinois University Carbondale professor in a section of its Web site focused on diversity.
The American Society of Civil Engineers featured Sanjeev Kumar, professor of civil and environmental engineering, in its "Diversity Limelight" section on its Web site. The ASCE is a leading organization for civil engineers. Diversity Limelight features professionals who make significant contributions to the civil engineering profession and have demonstrated exceptional leadership and achievement within that profession.
Kumar also is a fellow of ASCE. He is only the fifth person selected for the feature since the program began in spring 2007.
"It is a great honor for SIUC and me," Kumar said. "Engineering is a profession that is heavily involved in providing service to society. Therefore, I strongly believe that diversity in engineering is essential since it brings together various economic, cultural, personal, educational, and social perspectives for solving a problem. I am fortunate to have the opportunity to work with a diverse group of individuals at SIUC."
Kumar was named SIUC's outstanding teacher for the 2005-2006 academic year. He specializes in soil mechanics, foundation designs, earthquake engineering and environmental geotechnology, among other topics.
Before joining the SIUC faculty 1998, Kumar worked more than 10 years in the civil engineering industry. He developed at least four new courses at the University and emphasized student interaction with practicing professionals. He also produced two peer-reviewed instructional DVDs on geotechnical engineering, with proceeds going to enhance undergraduate education at SIUC.
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering named Kumar its outstanding teacher twice. In 2002, he received a department teaching award based on student evaluations.
Kumar earned his master's and doctorate degrees from the University of Missouri-Rolla in 1993 and 1996, respectively. He earned his bachelor's degree in 1986 at the Institution of Engineers in India.