January 16, 2008
Renowned nature photographer to discuss his work
CARBONDALE, Ill. — A renowned nature photographer and graduate of Southern Illinois University Carbondale will return to his alma mater later this month to share photographic images culled from the wild.
Tom Ulrich, a 1971 SIUC graduate in biological sciences and former area high school teacher, will present some of his latest work at 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 24, in Room 161 in Lawson Hall on the SIUC campus. The presentation is free and open to the public and appropriate for all ages.
Each year, Ulrich conducts a national photo tour, showcasing his work and giving humorous lectures to accompany the photos. This year, Ulrich is focusing on the wildlife of Costa Rica and North America, including the birds of the Hawaiian Islands. He will discuss photographic techniques and animal behavior.
A biology teacher at Fairfield Community High School from 1971 to 1975, Ulrich has been a freelance photographer since 1975. National Geographic, National Wildlife and Time magazine are some of the publications to publish his work. He also has published numerous books, field guides and calendars.
A Chicago native, Ulrich has lived near Glacier National Park in Montana for more than 30 years.
Sponsors for the event include the SIUC Department of Zoology, Zoology Club, Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society and the Southern Illinois Photographic Society.