January 03, 2008
Routine maintenance planned for parking garage
CARBONDALE, Ill. — Workers will close the upper level of the parking garage at Southern Illinois University Carbondale on Friday, Jan. 4, to perform routine maintenance on the structure.
Scott Weber, supervising architect and engineer with Physical Plant Services at SIUC, said the project should take only a few days and officials will re-open the upper deck no later than early next week. The upper deck is home to Lot 112, which includes 182 parking spaces reserved exclusively for students 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday-Friday.
Students currently are on winter break, making this an ideal time to perform the maintenance, said Brian Mager, SIUC Parking Division administrator.
Weber said crews will replace several worn pre-cast concrete sections on the southeast corner of the structure near the ramp. Crews routinely conduct such maintenance on the garage, which dates to 1975. Crews also will install some new steel supports, he said.