June 22, 2007

SIUC to play host to Korean students

by Andrea Hahn

CARBONDALE, Ill. — Korean students visiting Southern Illinois University Carbondale will record their impressions of the area in English-language memory books as they spend four weeks of summer in a crash-course of language and culture.

Chungwoon University in South Korea has a linkage agreement with SIUC and regularly sends students in the summer to the Center for English as a Second Language, part of the College of Liberal Arts. The first group this summer arrives on Saturday, June 23, and stays through July 21. A second group will visit later in the summer.

Cheryl Ernst, exchange program coordinator for the center, said the intensive language course focuses on teaching the language and introducing the students to American culture. Mornings are spent with language study, and in the afternoon, the Chungwoon students study newspapers for language use and news of current events.

"They stay in the residence halls and they eat at the Student Center," Ernst said, noting the Korean students will be wholly immersed in the SIUC campus life – including opportunities for recreation on campus. Planned activities include time at the boat docks and bowling. Off-campus recreation plans include a Southern Illinois Miners game and a side-trip to St. Louis to visit the famous St. Louis Arch, the City Museum and the Galleria Mall.

Those in the University or area communities who would like to interact with the students to help them improve their English skills – and maybe end up part of a memory – can contact Cheryl Ernst at 618/453-6525.