May 30, 2007

Seattle alumni, friends invited to picnic

by Kathy Dillard

Alumni and friends of Southern Illinois University Carbondale living in Seattle are invited to a picnic on Aug. 12.

The event runs from 2 to 4 p.m. at the home of SIUC graduates Len and Linda Boscarine in Burien, Wash.

Guests are invited to enjoy lake activities, reminisce with fellow SIUC alumni, and partake in great food. The menu includes smoked pork with Southern Illinois BBQ sauce, potato salad, baked beans, coleslaw, and beverages.

The SIU Alumni Association supports this function. The cost to attend the picnic is $8 per person. Please make reservations for the picnic before Aug. 7.

Alumni, students, and friends of Southern Illinois University Carbondale are invited to join the Alumni Association. For more information about alumni membership or the Seattle picnic, call the association office at 618/453-2408 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CST Monday-Friday, or log on to