February 20, 2007
Association accepting scholarship applications
CARBONDALE, Ill. — The Student Alumni Council and the SIU Alumni Association are accepting applications for the Super Student Scholarship.
Two $500 scholarships are awarded to juniors who have enriched Southern Illinois University Carbondale through active involvement in various facets of campus life.
In order for students to be eligible for the Super Student Scholarship, several criteria should be met. The student must be full-time and have a minimum of 70 credit hours completed by the end of their junior year. The student must also be currently employed and actively involved in at least two registered student organizations with a 3.5 cumulative grade point average.
Students interested in applying for the award can log on to www.siualumni.com/ss or call the SIU Alumni Association at 618/453-2417 for more details. Applications are due Friday, March 9, to the SIU Alumni Association Office on the second floor of the SIU Student Center.