February 15, 2007
SIUC to offer course on how to use eBay
CARBONDALE, Ill. — Have you ever wanted to buy or sell items on eBay, but felt intimidated or didn't know how to get started? The Division of Continuing Education at Southern Illinois University Carbondale will conduct an eBay-approved course that will lay the foundation for success and fun when buying, setting up auctions and much more.
Students who complete the class will receive a certificate of completion and a better understanding of how to effectively utilize one of the oldest and largest sites on the Internet. Start saving money by buying what you need online and making money by being an eBay seller!
The course is set for 6:30 to 9:30 p.m., March 21 through April 25, Faner Hall, Room 1024 on the SIUC campus. Deadline to register is March 19. The $55 fee includes instruction and materials.
For more information and to register, contact the Division of Continuing Education at 618/536-7751, or visit www.dce.siu.edu.