November 10, 2006
Professor's work helps tap rich marketing source
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- For the first time, researchers will have easy electronic access to hundreds of scales that measure consumer attitudes, thanks to a scholar at Southern University Carbondale's College of Business and Administration.
SIUC marketing professor Gordon C. Bruner II is developing an electronic database of "psychometric" scales, which measure certain variables of consumer interest such as brand loyalty, attitude toward an advertisement or brand, intent to purchase and satisfaction.
The scales are reference material that can help unlock a market for business people. Bruner previously created a four-volume index of the scales titled "Marketing Scales Handbook: A Compilation of Multi-Item Measures."
Until now, those who want to tap the information contained in the scales either had to pore over the literature or create it by conducting their own studies. Bruner's electronic database will allow researchers to find the appropriate scales using simple searchable database software. The database will be available on disc and online.
"Either way, those interested in finding a scale will be able to conduct key word searches and have results returned in seconds," Bruner said.
The bulk of the database helps researchers understand consumers.
"Thus, anyone in industry or academia who studies consumers would find the database to be very useful," Bruner said. "To be more specific, doctoral students and professors in marketing and related areas will probably be the main users in academia. The main users in industry will be those in companies or agencies who conduct studies as part of the process of making decisions about practical marketing issues, such as what consumers think about products, pricing or promotion."
Bruner holds bachelor's and master's degrees in marketing from Texas A & M University and a doctorate in marketing from University of North Texas.
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Gordon C. Bruner II
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