July 13, 2006

Media Advisory – McNair Scholars Symposium

Reporters, photographers and camera crews are welcome to cover the third annual McNair Scholars Program Research Symposium at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. The event, which represents the culmination of the 2006 McNair Summer Research Institute, is set for 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Friday, July 14, in the Life Science III Auditorium, Room 1059.

Twelve McNair Scholars will each make 20-minute presentations on results of original research they conducted under the guidance of faculty and graduate student mentors. Subject areas include art, psychology, political science, industrial technology, communication disorders and science, zoology and interior design, among others. Participants will eat lunch between noon and 1 p.m., with an awards ceremony set for 2:50 p.m.

The federal government has funded the work of McNair Scholars at SIUC since 2004. The program honors the late Ronald E. McNair, the African-American physicist who died in the Challenger explosion.

For more information on the schedule of specific presentations, contact the McNair Scholars Program office at 618/453-4581.