May 03, 2006
SIUC journalism students win scholarships
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- Southern Illinois University Carbondale presented scholarships to 29 outstanding students in the School of Journalism.
The winners include students in several specialties, including news/editorial, photojournalism and advertising/integrated marketing communications.
Promoting excellence in undergraduate academics is among the goals of Southern at 150: Building Excellence Through Commitment, the blueprint the University is following as it approaches its 150th anniversary in 2019.
Here is a list of the scholarship winners, by hometown. Where available, the listing contains the winner’s name, year in school, major, home address, scholarship name and amount and parents names and addresses.
Algonquin: Lane Christiansen, sophomore, photojournalism. Steven B. Hahn Memorial Scholarship, $1,400. John R. and Mary L. Christiansen, (1501 River Road).
Ashley: Please also see Elkville.
Batavia: Ryan Rendleman, sophomore, news/editorial (307 Mill St.). Ray Serati Illinois Legislative Correspondents Association Scholarship, $500. Rollo N. Rendleman and Teresa A. Rendleman.
Bethalto: Robert Yancey, sophomore, advertising/integrated marketing communications, (4166 Waggoner Lane). Donald Hileman Memorial Scholarship, $400.
Bolingbrook: Kelly Boyce, junior, advertising/integrated marketing communications. Journalism Faculty Emeritus Scholarship, $250. Michael and Julie Boyce (113 Tahoe Drive).
Chatham: Aaron Mark Wayne Roberts, incoming freshman, news/editorial. Harry Stonecipher Recruiting Scholarship, $500. David and Jane Roberts (91 Greenleaf St.).
Chicago: Veronica Hilbring, junior, news/editorial. William Randolph Hearst Scholarship, $550. George H. Hilbring (8504 S. Michigan Ave.) and Mary A. Hubbard (7438 S. Chappel St.).
Jessica Levin, junior, news/editorial. Paisley Family Scholarship, $600. Richard A. and Nancy G. Levin (4811 W. Strong St.).
Chillicothe: Kelsey Therkildsen, incoming freshman, advertising/integrated marketing communications. Howard R. Long Journalism Scholarship, $750. Kathy Turner (1018 N. Finney St.). and Eric Therkildsen, Peoria.
Coulterville: Jaclyn Brenning, junior, news/editorial. Charles C. Clayton Scholarship, $1,000. Jerry W. and Judith R. Brenning (12772 Illinois 13).
Crete: Stephenie DeArcangelis, incoming freshman, news/editorial (3487 S. State St.). W. Manion Rice Journalism Scholarship. Debbie Moehler and David DiTola, Crete, and Peter DeArcangelis, Mount Prospect.
Crystal Lake: Jessica Wolf, sophomore, news/editorial (3210 Oak Ridge Road). William Randolph Hearst Scholarship, $550.
Danville: Robert Ehrnwald, senior, news/editorial. Bill Harmon Scholarship, $400. Dennye E. Ehrnwald and Susan K. Davis.
Decatur: Milagro Brown, senior, news/editorial (536 S. Crea St.). William Randolph Hearst Scholarship, $550.
Elkville: Jaime Aken, senior, advertising/integrated marketing communications (255 Lacy Road). James Murphy Memorial Scholarship, $00. Steven L. and Krystal D. Aken and Lori Aken, Ashley.
Evergreen Park: Kyle Means, senior, news/editorial (2704 W. 96th St.). Polly Robinson Memorial Scholarship, $1,200. James H. Means and Wanda Bridges.
Freeport: Jordan Wescott-Wilson, sophomore, news/editorial. William Lyons Scholarship, $800. Peggy J. Wilson (3200 W. Carthage).
Glendale Heights: Zack Quaintance, junior, news/editorial (184 Bloomingdale Court). Harry W. and Helen M. Stonecipher Scholarship, $2,000. Margaret A. Quaintance, Glendale Heights, and William R. Quaintance, Orlando, Fla.
Godfrey: Andrea Zimmermann, junior, news/editorial. Judith Roales Scholarship, $2,500. David J. and Jane E. Zimmermann (2006 Northwood Drive).
Grantsburg: Levi Lohnes, junior, advertising/integrated marketing communications and communication design (post office box listing). Golden Quill Award, $300. Mark S. and Sharon L. Lohnes, Junction City, Kan.
Kankakee: Marques Anderson, junior, advertising/integrated marketing communications. Journalism Alumnus Scholarship, $250. David A. and Chaquida Y. Anderson (385 N. Adams St.).
Mackinaw: Shayann Kelley, sophomore, photojournalism. Linda K. Henson Photojournalism Scholarship, $1,200. Bruce Q. Townsend and Jennifer J. Kelley (16870 Coil Road).
O’Fallon: Jarel Loveless, junior, news/editorial. William Randolph Hearst Scholarship, $550. Joe and Carolyn Loveless (109 White Pine Ave.).
Park Forest: Taheera Randolph, junior, advertising/integrated marketing communications (79 Fir St.). Southern Illinois Editorial Association Scholarship, $600. Carlos N. Randolph Sr., Hazel Crest, and Celeste P. Randolph, Lansing.
Peoria: Please see Chillicothe.
Sparta: Wayne Utterback, senior, news/editorial (507 S. Chestnut Drive). Karl Monroe Scholarship, $800.
West Salem: Brandon Lee Weisenberger, freshman, news/editorial. Small-Seright Scholarship, $800. Larry J. and Janneene K. Weisenberger (719 W. Church St.).
Williamsville: Jennifer Methling, sophomore, advertising/integrated marketing communications (109 Linden Lane). Charlotte Thompson Suhler Advertising Award, $1,100. Conning Long, Williamsville, and Ken and Ann Methling, Sandwich.
Orlando: Please see Glendale Heights, Ill.
Junction City: Please see Grantsburg, Ill.
Delavan: Meagan Sexton, junior, news/editorial. Southern Illinois Editorial Association Scholarship, $600. William N. Sexton (1101 Barnes St.) and Ellen Mattox of Huntsville, Ala.
Racine: Please see Decatur, Ill.
Taipei: Chih-Chueh Yeh, senior, advertising/integrated marketing communications (Chung-Chan Road, Shin-Lin). Auxilia C. Hsu Scholarship, $750. Parkson Yeh and Eva Hsieh.
Scholarship winner – Andrea
Zimmermann receives
congratulations from Walter
B. Jaehnig, director of
the School of Journalism
at Southern Illinois
University Carbondale.
Zimmerman, a junior in
news/editorial, received
the Judith Roales
Scholarship worth $2,500.
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Scholarship winner – Sasha
Murphy receives
congratulations from Walter
B. Jaehnig, director of
the School of Journalism
at Southern Illinois
University Carbondale.
Murphy, a junior in
marketing communications,
received the Charles
Feirich Memorial Scholarship
worth $600. Download
Photo Here

Scholarship winner – Levi
Lohnes, left, receives
congratulations from Walter
B. Jaehnig, director of
the School of Journalism
at Southern Illinois
University Carbondale.
Lohnes, a junior in
marketing communications
and communication design,
received the Golden Quill
Award worth $300. Download
Photo Here

Scholarship winner – Marques
Anderson, left, receives
congratulations from Walter
B. Jaehnig, director of the
School of Journalism at
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale. Anderson, a
junior in advertising/
integrated marketing
communications, received
the Journalism Alumnus
Scholarship worth $250.
Download Photo Here
Scholarship winner – Kelly
Boyce receives congratulations
from Walter B. Jaehnig,
director of the School of
Journalism at Southern
Illinois University
Carbondale. Boyce, a
junior in advertising/
integrated marketing
communications, received
the Journalism Faculty
Emeritus Scholarship
worth $250. Download
Photo Here

Scholarship winner – Zach
Quaintance, left, receives
congratulations from Walter
B. Jaehnig, director of the
School of Journalism at
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale. Quaintance, a
junior in news/editorial,
received the Harry W. and
Helen M. Stonecipher
Scholarship worth $2,000.
Download Photo Here

Scholarship winner – Jennifer
Methling receives congratulations
from Walter B. Jaehnig, director
of the School of Journalism at
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale. Methling, a
sophomore in advertising/
integrated marketing communications,
received the Charlotte Thompson
Suhler Advertising Award worth
$1,100. Download Photo Here

Scholarship winner – Jaime
Aken receives congratulations
from Walter B. Jaehnig,
director of the School of
Journalism at Southern
Illinois University Carbondale.
Aken, a senior in advertising/
integrated marketing
communications, received
the James Murphy Memorial
Scholarship worth $400.
Download Photo Here
Scholarship winner – Kyle
Means, left, receives
congratulations from Walter
B. Jaehnig, director of
the School of Journalism
at Southern Illinois
University Carbondale.
Means, a senior in news/
editorial, received the
Polly Robinson Memorial
Scholarship worth $1,200.
Download Photo Here

Scholarship winner – Shayann
Kelley receives congratulations
from Walter B. Jaehnig,
director of the School of
Journalism at Southern Illinois
University Carbondale. Kelley,
a sophomore in photojournalism,
received the Linda K. Henson
Photojournalism Scholarship
worth $1,200. Download
Photo Here

Scholarship winner – Milagro
Brown, left, receives
congratulations from Walter
B. Jaehnig, director of the
School of Journalism at
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale. Brown, a senior
in news/editorial, received
the William Randolph Hearts
Scholarship worth $550.
Also pictured is scholarship
winner Veronica Hilbring.
Download Photo Here

Scholarship winner – Meagan
Sexton, left, receives
congratulations from Walter
B. Jaehnig, director of the
School of Journalism at Southern
Illinois University Carbondale.
Sexton, a junior in news/
editorial, received the Southern
Illinois Editorial Association
Scholarship worth $600. Also
pictured is scholarship winner
Taheera Randolph. Download
Photo Here
Scholarship winner – Jordan
Wescott-Wilson, left, receives
congratulations from Walter B.
Jaehnig, director of the School
of Journalism at Southern
Illinois University Carbondale.
Wescott-Wilson, a sophomore in
news editorial, received the
William Lyons Scholarship worth
$800. Download Photo Here

Scholarship winner – Jessica
Levin receives congratulations
from Walter B. Jaehnig,
director of the School of
Journalism at Southern Illinois
University Carbondale. Levin,
a junior in news/editorial,
received the Paisley Family
Scholarship worth $600.
Download Photo Here

Scholarship winner – Wayne
Utterback, left, receives
congratulations from Walter
B. Jaehnig, director of the
School of Journalism at
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale. Utterback, a
senior in news/editorial,
received the Karl Monroe
Scholarship worth $800.
Download Photo Here

Scholarship winner – Brandon
Weisenberger, left, receives
congratulations from Walter
B. Jaehnig, director of the
School of Journalism at
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale. Weisenberger, a
freshman in news/editorial,
received the Small-Seright
Scholarship worth $800.
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