April 27, 2006
Twenty-five students named 'Distinguished Seniors'
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- Twenty-five Southern Illinois University Carbondale students received Distinguished Senior Awards earlier this month.
The Southern Illinois University Alumni Association and Student Alumni Council presented the awards during the annual spring "Super Student Honors Dinner" on April 8.
The Distinguished Senior Award is presented annually to 25 students who enrich the University and Carbondale community through their service activities. In order to qualify for the honor, students must complete a lengthy application process, earn a minimum grade-point average of 3.0 and receive positive recommendations from University and community officials.
Chancellor Walter V. Wendler and his wife, Mary, the alumni association and Student Alumni Council host the awards banquet.
Student recipients received recognition plaques, Saluki "puppy" statues, SIUC license plate frames, SIU alumni T-shirt and a first-year membership in the SIU Alumni Association.
Achieving excellence in undergraduate education is among the goals of Southern at 150: Building Excellence Through Commitment, the blueprint the University is following as it approaches its 150th anniversary in 2019.
The recipients, their majors and their parents, by hometown are as follows:
• Alto Pass: Joshua Boone, mathematics, Daniel and Glenda Boone (3860 Milligan Hill Road). Academic achievements include a 3.9 grade point average, six semesters on the College of Science Dean's List, SIUC Chancellor's Scholarship, Undergraduate Research Award, fall 2005-present; and Carl G. Townsend Scholarship Award. University and community service include the Earl University Prize for Original Writing for the short story "Welcome to Alto Pass," which Boone wrote for the University Honors Program. The story was published in the honors journal Papyrus.
• Bartlett: Patrick Maloney, physiology, Dan and Cindy Maloney (546 Ladysmith Road). Academic achievements include a 3.3 grade point average, presenter for the 2006 Student Development Leadership Conference; Illinois General Assembly Scholarship, 2002-present; and Outstanding Greek Man of the Year for 2005. University and community service include Habitat for Humanity 2002, 2005; American Cancer Society Relay for Life, 2002-2005; Boys and Girls Club of Carbondale, 2004-2005; AIDS Walk, 2003; Safe Halloween, 2003-2004; and Saluki Day of Service, 2004. He has been Beta Theta Pi fraternity's vice president since fall 2002, president of the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship since fall 2002, and served as president of the Inter-Fraternity Council fall 2002-spring 2005.
• Benton: Cody Chullen, management, John and Susan Chullen. Academic achievements include a 3.8 grade point average; University Honors Program; four semesters on the Dean's List; Golden Key International Honour Society; Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society; Gamma Beta Phi Honor and Service Society; Katy Becker Simonds Scholarship, 2005-06; Ronald E. Hall/CITGO Petroleum Oil Scholarship, 2005-06. University and community service include Habitat for Humanity, A Night to Remember Alzheimer's Auction, 2005; Bowl for Kid's Sake, 2005; Carbondale spring clean-up, 2005; Southern Illinois AIDS Walk, 2005; Alzheimer's Memory Walk, 2005.
• Carbondale: Travis R. Davidson, management information systems, Wallace and Rebecca Davidson (5 Butternut Hill Drive). Academic achievements include a 3.9 grade point average; Dean's List seven semesters; Presidential Scholarship, 2002-2006; Merit Recognition Award, 2002-2006; Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society and Outstanding Senior Management Award for 2005. University and community service include Beautify Southern Illinois Student Alliance president, 2003-present; Pumpkin Patrol; 2004 Saluki Day of Service; Safe Halloween; and Earth Day Awareness.
• Catlin: Lauren M. Crome, social work, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Crome (post office box listing). Academic achievements include a 4.0 grade point average, seven semesters on the Dean's List, Saluki Ambassador of the Year fall 2005, research accepted for presentation at Illinois Rural Health Association Conference in spring 2006, National Association of Social Workers Undergraduate Student of the Year, spring 2006. University and community service include Saluki Ambassador fall 2004-present, new student move-in, team captain for Student Life Advisors.
• Charleston: Megan McCallister, food and nutrition with a specialization in dietetics, Alan and Pat McCallister (2249 Cortland Drive). Academic achievements include a 3.1 grade point average, 2006 Agricultural Sciences outstanding senior, Who's Who Among America's College Students 2005, academic scholarship 2002-04. University and community service include Beautify Southern Illinois campaign in 2003, Jackson County Farm Bureau in 2004, Habitat for Humanity in 2003, American Cancer Society Relay for Life in 2004, Book in Every Home campaign, 2004 Saluki Day of Service, Leadership Council, 2002-03.
• Granite City: Kerry Koskie, biological sciences, John and Paula Koskie (14 Miami Court). Academic achievements include a 3.5 grade point average, University Honors Program, four semesters Dean's List, Harvey I. Fisher Award 2005, Leo Kaplan Award 2005, John W. Voight Scholarship 2006, Golden Key International Honour Society, National Dean's List. University and community service include Humane Society of Southern Illinois 2005; Adopt-A-Spot; Expanding Your Horizons 2004; Make a Difference Day.
• Greenville: Krista S. Kukowski, radio-television broadcast news, Ty and Lisa Langham. Academic achievements include a 3.3 grade point average, University Honors Program, one semester on the Dean's List, Obelisk Yearbook Staff Member of the Year 2004, Illinois Broadcasters Scholarship 2005, and Southwestern Electric Scholarship 2002. University and community service include Habitat for Humanity 2003, American Cancer Society Relay for Life 2003, Take Back the Night 2003.
• Macon: Reta Kendall, social work, John and Nancy Kendall (post office box listing). Academic achievements include a 3.6 grade point average, University Honors Program, six semesters on the Dean's List, Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society, Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society, Sigma Alpha Lambda Honor Society, Order of Isis Greek Honor Society, Order of Omega National Greek Honor Society, and Golden Key International Honour Society. University and community service include three years with the Carbondale Women's Center, three years with Take Back the Night, Women's Center Clothes Line Project, Habitat for Humanity, American Cancer Society Relay for Life, Big Muddy Retirement Center.
• Marion: Sarah Hanson, history, Maribeth Whitsell and Stan Hanson (611 S. Hadfield). Academic achievements include a 3.9 grade point average, University Honors Program, eight semesters on the Dean's List, academic scholarship 2002, Order of Omega president spring 2004-present, Mae Nelson Memorial Scholarship for Public Service 2005, Caldwell-Sanders Award 2006, 2004 homecoming queen, Golden Key International Honour Society, Alpha Lambda Delta, Order of Isis, 2004 Panhellenic Chair of the Year. University and community service include student life adviser team captain spring 2003-fall 2005, Make a Difference Day, Safe Halloween, Beautify Southern Illinois, Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk.
• Moline: Maria G. Guerrero, administration of justice, Maria and Dionicio Guerrero (160 Fourth Ave.). Academic achievements include a 3.6 grade point average, University Honors Program, four semesters on the Dean's List, 2005 Hispanic American Scholarship, 2005 McNair Scholars Program, 14th National McNair Scholars Research Conference presenter, Sigma Delta Pi National Spanish Honor Society; Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society; Golden Key International Honour Society. University and community service include Adopt-A-Spot, SIUC blood drives, Habitat for Humanity, Saluki Ambassadors vice president of publicity and recruitment fall 2003-spring 2006, Beautify Southern Illinois.
• Monticello: Stefanie R. Adams, speech communications/public relations, Russ and Debbie Adams (1211 E. Center). Academic achievements include a 3.7 grade point average; University Honors Program; six semesters on the Dean's List; spring 2004 and spring 2005 speech communications department tuition scholarship; Alpha Kappa Psi; Dean's Scholarship for fall 2003, spring 2004, fall 2004 and spring 2005. University and community service include Alzheimer's Memory Walk, American Cancer Society Relay for Life, WSIU/WUSI pledge drive, Saluki Ambassador social chair 2003-05, 2005-06 Leadership Council guest speaker/workshop presenter.
• Mount Carmel: Cassie Bishop, marketing and management, Rodney and Cindy Bishop (507 East St.). Academic achievements include a 3.9 grade point average, fall 2003 Provost's Scholarship, seven semesters on the Dean's List, Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society, Golden Key International Honour Society president fall 2004-present, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, spring 2005 James B. and Rosemary Samuel Childress Scholarship, spring 2005 Kimikio Ajioka Marketing Scholarship, summer 2005 Ronald E. Hall/CITGO Scholarship, spring 2006 Uma Sekaran "Most Outstanding Senior Female Management Major" Award. University and community service include Carbondale Main Street fall clean-up, Safe Halloween, Career Enhancement Week, American Cancer Society Relay for Life.
Murphysboro: Aaron Anderson, industrial technology, Reed and Tina Anderson (1604 Tina Drive). Academic achievements include a 3.9 grade point average; eight semesters on the Dean's List; E. Leon Dunning Award, Industrial Technology-Engineering 2006; Golden Key International Honour Society; and Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society. University and community service include Saluki Day of Service 2003-05, Make a Difference Day 2004, Beautify Southern Illinois, Boys and Girls Club of Carbondale and Southern Illinois AIDS Walk.
• Nashville: Jodi Kostecki, civil engineering, Raymond and Yvette Kostecki (1460 County Highway 17). Academic achievements include a 3.8 grade point average, seven semesters on the Dean's List, spring 2006 College of Engineering Outstanding Senior Award, spring 2005 David L. Eddingfield Award for Academic Excellence for Women in Engineering, academic scholarship fall 2002-spring 2004, Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society, Golden Key International Honour Society, Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society. University and community service include Saluki Day of Service, Expanding your Horizons, Engineering Day Mind Games and Events, IJAS Regional Science Fair.
• Petersburg: Kristen M. Spath, accounting, Carl and Kathy Spath (493 Juniper Drive). Academic achievements include a 3.8 grade point average, University Honors Program, six semesters on the Dean's List, fall 2002 Chancellor's Scholarship, spring 2006 College of Business and Administration Scholarship, spring 2003 Carrie Baines Memorial Scholarship, spring 2004 Alpha Kappa Psi's Excellence in Professional Development. University and community service include American Cancer Society Relay for Life, 2003-05 Adapt-A-Spot, 2004 Make a Difference Day, 2005 AIDS Walk, Boys and Girls Club and Habitat for Humanity.
• Ridgway: Katy M. Newton, secondary English education, Wade and Lisa Newton (14850 New Market Road). Academic achievements include a 3.9 grade point average, fall 2002 Presidential Scholarship, seven semesters on the Dean's List, fall 2002 Valedictorian Scholarship for Incoming Freshmen, Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society, Order of Omega Honor Society. University and community service include 2003-05 Safe Halloween, 2005 American Cancer Society Relay for Life, Girl Scouts, Brownies, Valentine's Day cards for local nursing home, Carbondale Women's Center collection, 2003-05 Greek move-in and 2003 Asthma Walk.
• Roselle: Andrew J. Benko, mechanical engineering technology, Joyce and Robert Benko (315 E. Ardmore Ave.). Academic achievements include a 3.7 grade point average, nine semesters on the Dean's List, fall 2001 Boeing Product Support Scholarship, Tau Alpha Pi-National Engineering Technologies Honor Society, spring 2006 Alpha Eta Rho Senior Service and Scholarship Key, spring 2003 Air Force Achievement Medal, 2004 Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal. University and community service include Habitat for Humanity, painting and clean-up of Carterville Park District baseball fields, spring 2003-present motorcycle safety instructor, spring 2004-06 supplemental instructor for Math 125.
• Springfield: Elaine Rashmawy, journalism/news-editorial, Jamal and Afaf Rashmawy (56 Golf). Academic achievements include a 3.7 grade point average, University Honors Program, four semesters on the Dean's List, spring 2003 National Dean's List, fall 2005 Lincoln Laureate Award nominee, fall 2005-spring 2006 Sen. Penny Severns Character Counts College of Liberal Arts Scholarship, fall 2005-spring 2006 Judith Roales Journalism Scholarship, fall 2004-spring 2005 Harry W. and Helen M. Stonecipher Journalism Scholarship, Golden Key International Honor Society, 2003-04 highest sophomore GPA in Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority. University and community service include Habitat for Humanity 2003-05, Carbondale Women's Center 2004, American Cancer Society Relay for Life 2003, A Book in Every Home 2004, Bowl for Kid's Sake 2003, Make a Difference Day spring 2004, Adopt-A-Family.
• Sullivan: Alexis Allen, business management, Michael and Donna Allen (68 Jibby Drive). Academic achievements include a 3.9 grade point average, University Honors Program, six semesterson the Dean's List, fall 2002 Chancellor's Scholarship, Alpha Lambda Delta, Gamma Beta Phi spring 2004, Golden Key International Honour Society, fall 2003 Pi Omega Pi Honor Society, spring 2005 Super Student Scholarship, spring 2006 Phi Kappa Phi, spring 2006 Outstanding Management Senior Award. University and community service include summer 2004 Student Life Advisor team captain, fall 2005 SIU Presidential Search Committee, spring 2003 Core Curriculum Committee, Associate Provost Search Committee fall 2004, fall 2005-spring 2006 Traffic and Parking Committee, spring 2003-spring 2006 Saluki Ambassador, fall 2005 Student Leadership Conference programmer and presenter, Student Programming Council executive director fall 2004-fall 2005, Undergraduate Student Government senator, finance committee chair, chief of staff (fall 2002-present).
• Vienna: Naarah L. Lindsay, physiology pre-med, Steven and Priscilla Lindsay (1580 Stockdale Lane). Academic achievements include a 3.6 grade point average, University Honors Program, seven semesters on the Dean's List, 2006 Honors Department General Tuition Scholarship Recipient, 2004-2005 National Dean's List, 2005 Albert and Leyla Somit Scholarship, 2005 Dean's Scholarship, 2005 College of Liberal Arts Scholarship, Golden Key International Honour Society, REACH Undergraduate Research Award 2004-05. University and community service include Abundant Health Clinic 2005-06, Adopt-A-Spot 2004-06, Beautify Southern Illinois 2005-06, Books for Africa 2006, Land of Lincoln AmeriCorps Fellow 2005-06, Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2006, Valentines for Troops, Meals on Wheels 2004, Student Programming Council homecoming committee 2002-05 and 2003 homecoming director, Pre-Health Professions Association vice president fall 2002-06, SIUC moonbuggy team chief financial officer fall 2002-spring 2005.
• West Dundee: Lindsay Mendro, computer engineering, Alan and Lynn Mendro (601 Liberty St.). Academic achievements include a 3.7 grade point average, University Honors Program, eight semesters on the Dean's List, Golden Key International Honor Society 2004-06, 2002-03 Provost Award, 2002-03 Freshmen in Engineering Scholarship, 2004-05 tuition award, 2004-05 and 2005-06 Boeing Scholarship, Tau Beta Pi Honour Society 2005-06. University and community service include Saluki Day of Service, Carbondale Main Street clean-up, Engineering Day volunteer, ICTM Math Competition, Expanding Your Horizons, American Cancer Society Relay for Life, College of Engineering tutor, Society of Women Engineers historian, webmaster and ESC representative.
• Pittsburgh: Adam Snyder, marketing, Harry and Diane Snyder (182 Parkridge Lane). Academic achievements include a 3.5 grade point average, six semesters on the Dean's List, Abe Martin Baseball Award for Leadership, Loyalty and Commitment, Honorable Mention Academic All-Conference-Missouri Valley Conference 2004 and 2005, 2004 Missouri Valley Conference Commissioner's Award for Academic Excellence, National Dean's List, Gamma Beta Phi Honors Society, 2004 Saluki Futures Scholarship. University and community service include Missouri Valley Conference "Just Read" program 2002-present, Special Olympics, Toys for Tots, Santa's Shoebox, baseball representative to Student Athletic Advisory Committee fall 2004-present.
• Cheyenne: Dustin Hixenbaugh, English and Spanish, Ken and Diana Hixenbaugh (4909 Griffith Ave.). Academic achievements include a 3.9 grade point average, University Honors Program, nine semesters on the Dean's List, Golden Key International Honour Society, Saluki Debate Team Full Scholarship, Carl Lutes Outstanding Senior English Major Award. University and community service include Student Life Advisor 2003-04, Keep Carbondale Beautiful 2005, Red Cross blood drives, University Writing Center peer tutor.
• Verona: Alden Mulabdic, philosophy and political science, Viteza Dimitrijevic. Academic achievements include a 3.8 grade point average, University Honors Program, three semesters on the Dean's List, spring 2005 Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Undergraduate Scholarship, spring 2005 College of Liberal Arts Professor H.B. Jacobini Memorial Scholarship, spring 2005 Rotary Club Frank L. Klingberg Scholarship for "service above self," Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges 2006, Golden Key International Honor Society. University and community service include Red Cross blood drives fall 2005 and spring 2006, Illinois Highway 13 clean-up, political science department ambassador fall 2004-present, Undergraduate Student Government senator fall 2004-spring 2006, University Core Curriculum advisory committee fall 2005-present.
Super student – Aaron Anderson
(center), from Murphysboro,
is flanked by Southern
Illinois University Carbondale
Chancellor Walter V. Wendler
(left) and Hasan Sevim,
associate dean of the College
of Engineering. Anderson is
one of 25 Distinguished Seniors
at SIUC. Download
Photo Here

Super student – Adam
Snyder (center), from
Preston, Penn., is flanked
by Southern Illinois
University Carbondale
Chancellor Walter V. Wendler
(left) and Greg White,
interim dean of the College
of Business and Administration.
Snyder is one of 25
Distinguished Seniors at SIUC.
Download Photo Here

Super student – Alexis
Allen (center), from Sullivan,
is flanked by Southern
Illinois University Carbondale
Chancellor Walter V. Wendler
(left) and Greg White,
interim dean of the College
of Business and Administration.
Allen is one of 25
Distinguished Seniors at SIUC.
Download Photo Here

Super student – Andrew
Benko (center), from Roselle,
is flanked by Southern
Illinois University
Carbondale Chancellor Walter
V. Wendler (left) and Hasan
Sevim, associate dean of the
College of Engineering.
Benko is one of 25
Distinguished Seniors
at SIUC. Download
Photo Here
Super student – Aulden
Muladbic (center), from
Verona, Italy, is flanked
by Southern Illinois
University Carbondale
Chancellor Walter V. Wendler
(left) and Shirley Clay
Scott, dean of the College
of Liberal Arts. Muladbic
is one of 25 Distinguished
Seniors at SIUC. Download
Photo Here

Super student – Cassie
Bishop (center), from Mount
Carmel, is flanked by
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale Chancellor Walter
V. Wendler (left) and Greg
White, interim dean of the
College of Business and
Administration. Bishop is
one of 25 Distinguished
Seniors at SIUC. Download
Photo Here

Super student – Cody
Chullen (center), from
Benton, is flanked by
Southern Illinois
University Carbondale
Chancellor Walter V.
Wendler (left) and Greg
White, interim dean of
the College of Business
and Administration.
Chullen is one of 25
Distinguished Seniors at
SIUC. Download Photo

Super student – Dustin
Hixenbaugh (center), from
Cheyenne, Wyo., is flanked
by Southern Illinois
University Carbondale
Chancellor Walter V. Wendler
(left) and Shirley Clay
Scott, dean of the College
of Liberal Arts. Hixenbaugh
is one of 25 Distinguished
Seniors at SIUC. Download
Photo Here
Super student – Elaine
Rashmawy (center), from
Springfield, is flanked
by Southern Illinois
University Carbondale
Chancellor Walter V.
Wendler (left) and Manjunath
Pendakur, dean of the
College of Mass Communication
and Media Arts. Rashmawy
is one of 25 Distinguished
Seniors at SIUC. Download
Photo Here

Super student – Jodi
Kostecki (center), from
Nashville, is flanked
by Southern Illinois
University Carbondale
Chancellor Walter V.
Wendler (left) and Hasan
Sevim, associate dean of
the College of Engineering.
Kostecki is one of 25
Distinguished Seniors at
SIUC. Download Photo

Super student – Joshua
Boone (center), from Alto
Pass, is flanked by Southern
Illinois University Carbondale
Chancellor Walter V. Wendler
(left) and Jack Parker, dean
of the College of Science.
Boone is one of 25 Distinguished
Seniors at SIUC. Download
Photo Here

Super student – Katy
Newton (center), from
Ridgeway, is flanked by
Southern Illinois
University Carbondale
Chancellor Walter V. Wendler
(left) and Norma Ewing,
associate dean of the College
of Education and Human
Services. Newton is one
of 25 Distinguished Seniors
at SIUC. Download
Photo Here
Super student – Kerry
Koskie (center), from
Granite City, is
flanked by Southern
Illinois University
Carbondale Chancellor
Walter V. Wendler (left)
and Jack Parker, dean
of the College of
Science. Koskie is
one of 25 Distinguished
Seniors at SIUC.
Download Photo Here

Super student – Krista
Kukowski (center), from
Greenville, is flanked by
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale Chancellor
Walter V. Wendler (center)
and Manjunath Pendakur,
dean of the College of Mass
Communication and Media
Arts. Kukowski is one of
25 Distinguished Seniors
at SIUC. Download
Photo Here

Super student – Kristin
Spath (center), from
Petersburg, is flanked
by Southern Illinois
University Carbondale
Chancellor Walter V. Wendler
(left) and Greg White,
interim dean of the College
of Business and Administration.
Spath is one of 25
Distinguished Seniors at
SIUC. Download Photo

Super student – Lauren
Crome (center), from Catlin,
is flanked by Southern
Illinois University
Carbondale Chancellor
Walter V. Wendler (left)
and Norma Ewing, associate
dean of the College of
Education and Human
Services. Crome is one
of 25 Distinguished
Seniors at SIUC.
Download Photo Here
Super student – Maria
Guerrero (center), from
Moline, is flanked by
Southern Illinois
University Carbondale
Chancellor Walter V.
Wendler (left) and
Shirley Clay Scott,
dean of the College of
Liberal Arts. Guerrero
is one of 25 Distinguished
Seniors at SIUC. Download
Photo Here

Super student – Megan
McCallister (center), from
Charleston, is flanked
by Southern Illinois
University Carbondale
Chancellor Walter V.
Wendler (left) and Gary
Minish, dean of the
College of Agricultural
Sciences. McCallister
is one of 25 Distinguished
Seniors at SIUC.
Download Photo Here

Super student – Naarah
Lindsay (center), from
Vienna, is flanked by
Southern Illinois
University Carbondale
Chancellor Walter V.
Wendler (left) and Jack
Parker, dean of the
College of Science.
Lindsay is one of 25
Distinguished Seniors
at SIUC. Download
Photo Here

Super student – Patrick
Maloney (center), from
Bartlett, is flanked by
Southern Illinois
University Carbondale
Chancellor Walter V.
Wendler (left) and Jack
Parker, dean of the
College of Science.
Maloney is one of 25
Distinguished Seniors
at SIUC. Download
Photo Here
Super student – Reta
Kendall (center), from
Macon, is flanked by
Southern Illinois
University Carbondale
Chancellor Walter V.
Wendler (left) and
Norma Ewing, associate
dean of the College of
Education and Human
Services. Kendall is
one of 25 Distinguished
Seniors at SIUC.
Download Photo Here

Super student – Sarah
Hanson (center), from Marion,
is flanked by Southern
Illinois University
Carbondale Chancellor
Walter V. Wendler (left)
and Shirley Clay Scott,
dean of the College of
Liberal Arts. Hanson is
one of 25 Distinguished
Seniors at SIUC.
Download Photo Here

Super student – Steffanie
Adams (center), from
Monticello, is flanked by
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale Chancellor Walter
V. Wendler (left) and
Shirley Clay Scott, dean
of the College of Liberal
Arts. Adams is one of 25
Distinguished Seniors at SIUC.
Download Photo Here