March 31, 2006

SIUC to host Challenge to Excellence

by Carmen Bell

CARBONDALE, Ill. -- Challenge to Excellence celebrates its 23rd anniversary at Southern Illinois University Carbondale as one of the most respected summer residential programs in the Midwest for academically talented students.

The program's goal is to promote higher level thinking skills in a variety of academic subjects. Sessions will be taught by instructors who have years of experience teaching gifted students and are supervised by counselors who are experienced teachers or SIUC graduate students.

The first session, June 18-23, is for seventh- and eighth-grade students. The second session, June 25-30, is for freshmen, sophomores and juniors.

Admission is on a competitive basis and is highly selective. Resident fees are $300 ($310 after May 26) and include tuition, room, meals, most instructional supplies and a T-shirt. The commuter fee is $230 ($240 after May 26) and includes the same, without overnight accommodations.

For further information or to apply, contact the SIUC Division of Continuing Education at 618/536-7751 or visit the Web site at

Offering education and training activities for a variety of pre-adult age groups is among the goals of Southern at 150: Building Excellence Through Commitment, the blueprint the University is following as it approaches its 150th anniversary in 2019.