March 27, 2006

Local firms, agencies offer students experience

by Laura Taylor

CARBONDALE, Ill. -- More than 150 Southern Illinois University Carbondale students last week spent Spring Break gaining valuable hands-on career experience through the SIU Alumni Association's extern program.

Southern Illinois Healthcare, Illinois' Second Judicial Circuit, Penn Aluminum International, and the USDA Forest Service were among the businesses and agencies providing time and knowledge to students last week. SIUC students traveled throughout the country to participate in the week-long individualized experience.

The extern program was established by the Alumni Association in 1984 and provides college juniors and seniors with the opportunity to gain invaluable real-world experience while still in school. Students are matched with successful SIUC alumni and friends around the country and give up their Spring Break in order to shadow professionals from their chosen career fields.

Providing students with career planning services is among the goals of Southern at 150: Building Excellence Through Commitment, the blueprint the University is following as it approaches its 150th anniversary in 2019.

Each company tailors the week specifically for the extern, making the experience as valuable as possible. Students gain experience that will provide a wealth of knowledge for their future career and help them gain an edge in their future job search.

For more information about the extern program, contact the SIU Alumni Association at 618/453-2408.


Southern Illinois University Carbondale Extern Program 2006

Extern Sponsors

Southern Illinois Area

City Company, Name Employee Sponsor

Benton Illinois' Second Judicial Circuit, John Seymour


A.G. Edwards, Monte Kuhnert

Catholic Social Services, Mary Lou Loos

Image Architects, Inc. John Parkinson

Kerber, Eck & Braeckel LLP, Michael Hobbs

Old National Bank, Melissa Etherton

Regions Bank, Blaine Strock

Southern Illinois Healthcare, Philip Schaefer

Southern Illinois University, Greg Scott

Du Quoin Perry County Counseling Center, Melissa Mitsdarffer


Architechniques, Steve Sims

Maytag Herrin Laundry Products, Brenda Holmes


Ameren CIPS, Michael Abba

Clear Channel Radio, Paxton Guy

Gold's Gym, Shane Smith

VA Medical Center, Melanie Yearack

WTCT-TV 27, Fortune Brayfield

Mount Vernon Kemper CPA Group, LLP, Mary Jo Hollensbe

Murphysboro Penn Aluminum International, Inc. Georgia Baine

Tri-County Special Education, Sandy Sweeney

USDA Forest Service, Kelly Pearson

Paducah, Ky. Peck, Flannery, Gream, Warren, Inc. Paul King

For a complete list of national sponsors, contact the SIU Alumni Association at 618/453-2408.