July 15, 2005
Michigan alumni, friends invited to picnic
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- Alumni and friends of Southern Illinois University Carbondale living in the Detroit area are invited to a picnic on Saturday, July 30, in Brighton. The picnic and other activities begin at 11 a.m. in Kensington Metro Park Area.
The Greater Michigan Alumni Chapter of the SIU Alumni Association is coordinating the event.
Family, friends, and neighbors are invited to join SIUC alumni at the picnic. Food will be served at 1 p.m. The menu features chicken and vegetables. Attendees are asked to bring their own beverages. Guests can also enjoy door prizes, biking, hiking paddleboats, volleyball, bocce ball and softball. Also, alumni and friends are encouraged to enter a vehicle in a special car display.
The costs are $10 per adult ticket; while children 12 and under can attend for free.
To make reservations for the picnic, call the SIU Alumni Association at (618) 453-2408 or log on to www.siualumni.com.