May 17, 2005
Slots available for popular engineering camp
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- The first session of Southern Illinois University Carbondale's popular engineering camp for high school sophomore and junior girls is full, but five slots remain in the June 19-23 program.
The camp serves as an introduction to what engineers in various highly paid fields actually do. College of Engineering faculty members lead classroom activities and hands-on experiments, while women already enrolled in the college serve as camp counselors and informal mentors.
The college Web site at contains pictures of previous camps, describes the week's activities and offers a downloadable application as well. Scroll down to summer programs and click on the "Women's Introduction to Engineering" link.
The camp costs $250, which covers tuition, meals, residence hall room and some medical benefits. For more information, call Bruce Chrisman at 618/453-7712 or e-mail him at
Offering education and training activities for a variety of age groups is among the goals of Southern at 150: Building Excellence Through Commitment, the blueprint for the development of the University by the time it celebrates its 150th anniversary in 2019.