April 08, 2005
Enroll now for SIUC's Women in Engineering camps
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- High school sophomore and junior girls interested in jobs that pay extremely well can learn more about career opportunities in engineering during two five-day camps at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, but they must apply soon. Enrollment, limited to 24 per camp, closes after April 15.
Each of SIUC's Women in Engineering summer programs, held June 12-16 and June 19-23, will give those who attend an introduction to what engineers in various fields actually do. Faculty members from the College of Engineering will lead classroom activities and hands-on experiments, while women already enrolled in the college will serve as camp counselors.
To get a good picture of what goes on in the programs, visit the college Web site at www.engr.siu.edu , scroll down to summer programs and click on the "Women's Introduction to Engineering Link." A downloadable application is available there as well.
The camp costs $250, which covers tuition, meals, residence hall room and some medical benefits. Applications must be postmarked by April 15. Students will receive acceptance notices by May 6.
For more information, call Hasan Sevim at 618/453-4321.