September 10, 2004

Outstanding Scholar award nominations sought

by K.C. Jaehnig

CARBONDALE, Ill. - - Nominations for Southern Illinois University Carbondale's 2005 Outstanding Scholar award close Monday, Oct. 4.

The annual prize, now part of the University's Excellence Through Commitment Awards Program, rewards full-time faculty and staff for superior contributions in research or creative activity. Next year's winner will receive a $7,500 cash grant, a $7,500 professional activities account, a yearlong reserved parking place, an SIUC wristwatch, a framed certificate and the right to be known as a "Distinguished Scholar."

Nominations, which must include detailed statements of the nature and importance of the nominees' accomplishments, must reach the award committee in the office of the vice chancellor for research and graduate dean at mail code 4344 by Oct. 4.

Supporting documents consist of: curriculum vitae; listings of the relevant activities and special awards; names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses of six referees outside the University along with two to three biographical paragraphs on each and a note on the relationship of the referee to the nominee. These must arrive by Monday, Oct. 25.

While previous winners are not eligible for the award, the committee will consider previous nominees. Nominators of such candidates must obtain consent from the nominees and update supporting materials.

For more information, call Sue Wirth at 618/453-4526 or e-mail her at