August 26, 2004

Awareness is key while traveling on campus

by Pete Rosenbery

CARBONDALE, Ill. -- With the school year under way, Southern Illinois University Carbondale officials are urging students, faculty, staff and visitors to exercise caution as they traverse the campus.

SIUC police Capt. Todd D. Sigler says that with a new school year, it is important that pedestrians and motorists become familiar with traffic laws on campus and general safety rules. Whether you are driving vehicle, riding a bicycle or walking, it is important to make eye contact and be aware of others, he said.

Safety tips for pedestrians include looking both ways before crossing streets, using crosswalks and making eye contact with motorists to make sure they see you.

"Everybody has to share a role in the responsibility," he said.

Some important rules for motorists to remember include:

  • Obey traffic laws, signals and markings.
  • The speed limit on campus is 20 mph unless otherwise posted. The speed limit in housing areas is 10 mph. Exceeding the posted speed limit on campus results in a $50 citation.
  • When turning on red, stop, look and always yield to pedestrians.
  • Near crosswalks, watch for pedestrians and bicyclists, and always stop for them.

Bicyclists must walk their bike through crosswalks and other designated areas, obey traffic laws, yield to pedestrians, and practice the same safety suggestions as pedestrians follow.

For after-hours safety, Sigler recommends pedestrians use Brightway Paths, which feature enhanced lighting. The Women's Night Transit and Saluki Express also are available.

For more information on safety tips, contact the Department of Public Safety at 618/453-2381, or visit the department's Web site at

Promoting campus safety is among the goals of Southern at 150: Building Excellence Through Commitment, the long-range plan for the development of the University by the time it observes its 150th anniversary in 2019.