May 12, 2004

Sports medicine/athletic training camp offered

by Yolanda Shelton

CARBONDALE, Ill. -- Teen-agers interested in the worlds of sports medicine and athletic training will enjoy a special four-day summer camp devoted to those careers at Southern Illinois University Carbondale.

The camp is geared to high school age participants and will meet June 9-12 in Lingle Hall, a building attached to the SIU Arena. Cost is $200 for commuters and $275 for resident campers. Registration runs through June 1.

Led by professional athletic trainers, the course will focus on such topics as preventing and evaluating athletic injuries and illnesses, first aid and emergency care, physical rehabilitation and conditioning and making medical referrals.

CPR training and certification for adults/children/infants will also be included.

A special lecture will cover the anatomy, injuries, surgeries and rehabilitation of the knee and lower leg.

To register or for more information, contact the SIUC Division of Continuing Education at 618/536-7751 or register online at